研究業績– category –
2022年度 年次活動報告書
2021年度 年次活動報告書
2020年度 年次活動報告書
Post-evacuation return of psychiatric hospital inpatients evacuated to hospitals outside the Fukushima prefecture after the nuclear accident: A Retrospective Cohort Study: Toshihiro Terui, 2022
Visualizing the decline of public interest in the Great East JapanEarthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accidentby analyzing letters to the editor in Japanese newspapers
Discovery and Revitalization of “Feeling of Hometown”from a Disaster Site Inhabitant’s ContinuousEngagement in Reconstruction Work: EthnographicInterviews with a Radiation Decontamination WorkerOver 5 Years Following the Fukushima Nuclear PowerPlant Accident”
Concerns related to returning home to a“difficult-to-return zone” after a long-termevacuation due to Fukushima Nuclear PowerPlant Accident: A qualitative study
辻内琢也/トム・ギル(編著)『福島原発事故被災者 苦難と希望の人類学―分断と対立を乗り越えるために』 震災後に考える:東日本大震災と向き合う92の分析と提言
A victims’ movement against the termination of housing support for voluntary evacuees: Ayaka Löschke