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Concerns related to returning home to a“difficult-to-return zone” after a long-termevacuation due to Fukushima Nuclear PowerPlant Accident: A qualitative study : Tomoo Hidaka, 2022
Visualizing the decline of public interest in the Great East JapanEarthquake and Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant accidentby analyzing letters to the editor in Japanese newspapers Tomoo Hidaka,2022
福島原発事故10 年の経験から学ぶ―当時小学生だった若者達との対話から― シンポジウム『復興の人間科学』報告4 人間科学研究35(2),2022
Discovery and Revitalization of “Feeling of Hometown”from a Disaster Site Inhabitant’s ContinuousEngagement in Reconstruction Work: EthnographicInterviews with a Radiation Decontamination WorkerOver 5 Years Following the Fukushima Nuclear PowerPlant Accident : Tomoo Hidaka, 2021
Post-traumatic stress due to structural violence after Fukushima Disaster: Takuya Tsujiuchi
High Prevalence of Post-Traumatic Stress Symptoms in Relation to Social Factors in Affected Population One Year after the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster : PLOS ONE
Mental Health Impact of the Fukushima Nuclear Disaster: Post-Traumatic Stress and Psycho-Socio-Economic Factors (United Nations University Fukushima Global Communication Programme Working Pager Series No.8))